Meersbrook Park Users Trust

Meersbrook Park Users Trust (MPUT) is a group of local volunteers interested in the improvement and preservation of the park. Working with the community, the council and local groups we hope to be an open forum for people to become involved. It was established in 1998 in response to specific concerns about the park expressed by local people. Our aims are:
• To regenerate and develop new facilities within the park.
• To involve and consult with the local community in planning activities and improvements in the park.
• To raise awareness of the park as a community facility.
• To promote community activities in the park.
• To promote the protection, conservation and improvement of the environment of the park.

We hold monthly meetings on Zoom on Wednesdays from 7:30 pm and all are welcome. Please contact for details of the next meeting.

MPUT has achieved many successes linked to these aims, working closely with local residents, councillors, Parks & Countryside Department, Heeley City Farm, Heeley Development Trust, police and school representatives.

fb_icon_325x325 Meerbrook Park User’s Trust

MPUT has a Health and Safety Policy

Charitable objects
1. To assist in the protection, conservation, promotion and development of Meersbrook Heritage Park in Sheffield for the leisure, recreation, enjoyment and benefit of the people of sheffield.
2. The care, maintenance, development and management of the Victorian Walled Garden in Meersbrook Park, Sheffeld and it’s enjoyment and development as an ornamental leisure garden and for growing food, for the benefit of the public.